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17 Tips to Double Your Productivity In 14 Days

We live in a world right now where focus is more valuable than our intelligence. People are spending the best hours of their days by checking feeds on social media, chatting with friends and colleagues or getting distracted by phone calls and unimportant notifications that are coming from various devices. Unfortunately, all of these activities add zero value to our lives. “An addiction to distraction will be the death of your creative production.” ~Robin Sharma   I would strongly recommend to read an article of Robin Sharma where he shares “ 17 Tips to Double Your Productivity In 14 Days ”.
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Google Analytics - Dimensions & Metrics

POSTED IN J UNE 27TH, 2014   IN   INSIGHTS   BY   MARTY VERNON   Google Analytics is a  platform that collects data and organizes this data into useful reports. By obtaining  Google Analytics Individual Qualification  certificate, I have learned that Google Analytics allows you to track the performance of your website traffic (or websites through cross-domain function) and provides you with insightful reports.   I  would definitely recommend to set up Google Analytics to your website if you want to: track your conversion and business goal completions find out which campaigns bring the most traffic and conversions to your website determine the location of your best visitors visualize what people click on the most learn what people are searching for on your website identify your best and worst performing pages determine on which step in conversi...